Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 3.7.0 released!

February 16th, 2014
  • Clipboard Monitoring (Android 4.0+) – when you copy Chinese characters into the Clipboard you can optionally get a system notification showing the definition. This monitoring can be triggered at system startup (the app now requests “run at startup” permission) or triggered manually (in the action bar overflow menu). Unfortunately, many Android 4.3 devices have a well-known bug preventing realtime Clipboard monitoring from working properly. In this case, you will need to use the Clipboard icon in the notification, to trigger Hanping to read the Clipboard. Please read this topic on our forum for more information
  • New app icon – the old one looked, oh so Gingerbready, so we’ve gone for a clean simple approach to better reflect the app’s UI and UX. We hope you like it!
  • Fixed a bug where downloading audio or dictionaries would sometimes crash.
  • Other bug fixes

New Permission request: “run at startup” – allows the Clipboard Monitoring feature to be triggered when your device starts up.  Use the settings icon in the Clipboard Monitoring notification, to configure this.

Available from the Google Play Store & Amazon Appstore.

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