When exporting from Hanping to Anki, the English portion of the words being exported is missing its part of speech from the ABC dictionary entries. Can that be fixed so they appear in Anki?
Also, could an export option be added that has the audio as the question in Anki? I currently use the pinyin question marker, and click on the pinyin to hear the sound, but it'd be more effective for the sound to automatically play with no pinyin.
You all's app is a beautiful and highly polished app, thank you all for the time and effort you've put into it. This and Anki itself are the two best tools I have. I use them literally hours a day.
Anki and Hanping Synchronicity
Re: Anki and Hanping Synchronicity
> the English portion of the words being exported is missing its part of speech from the ABC dictionary entries
Thanks, I'll look into this. Meanwhile, you can click on the Hanzi to jump back to Hanping for the full definition.
> Also, could an export option be added that has the audio as the question in Anki?
You can edit the template (or create a new one) so that the play button (see Hanzi question) is shown instead of the pinyin. However, with so many homonyms in Chinese, you might want to show Meaning as well.
> You all's app is a beautiful and highly polished app, thank you all for the time and effort you've put into it. This and Anki itself are the two best tools I have. I use them literally hours a day.
Thanks! yet still so much more work to do.
Thanks, I'll look into this. Meanwhile, you can click on the Hanzi to jump back to Hanping for the full definition.
> Also, could an export option be added that has the audio as the question in Anki?
You can edit the template (or create a new one) so that the play button (see Hanzi question) is shown instead of the pinyin. However, with so many homonyms in Chinese, you might want to show Meaning as well.
> You all's app is a beautiful and highly polished app, thank you all for the time and effort you've put into it. This and Anki itself are the two best tools I have. I use them literally hours a day.
Thanks! yet still so much more work to do.
Re: Anki and Hanping Synchronicity
Thank you for getting back to me so fast, template changed successfully, thank you for the help.
Re: Anki and Hanping Synchronicity
You're very welcome