Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 1.3.0 released!

April 13th, 2010

Lots of behind the scenes improvements here primarily geared towards the search results, in particular ordering.

  • Exact matches always come before inexact matches.
  • Searching using traditional vs simplified characters gives the same results. For example, if you search for “国” while in Traditional Mode, you will still see the result for “國” (which is the traditional variant). Before, you would get no results. Note – you need to update the dictionary to get this behaviour.
  • Fixed bug when playing audio on older devices. If play icon was repeatedly pressed in quick succession, then there would be a Force Close.
  • Fixed bug where a corrupt user db (storing favourites) would result in force close on each re-installation. Before, the app was trying to restore the same corrupt user db every time.
  • New dictionary released which does not have any updated content but will allow for the traditional/simplified searching described above.

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 1.2.0 released!

March 29th, 2010

Not too many new features as such, but lots of improvements to the way the dictionary is installed & updated.

  • dictionary & audio now downloaded from internet
  • ability to cancel dictionary install mid-way through
  • notification bar shows dictionary install progress/completion
  • About screen checks for dictionary update availability
  • better layout of icons at top of Word Details screen – should be easier to hit clipboard icon etc
  • uses new dictionary (1.1.2 – you may need to update your existing dictionary) which includes better idioms list and updated CC-CEDICT
  • dictionary data at more discrete location: /sdcard/Android/data
  • new website (forum and blog)

By the way, the Hanping Dict CC-CCEDICT app in the Market is no longer needed (since the dictionary data is now downloaded from the Internet). Now is a good time to make sure you have uninstalled that app to free up space on your device. This data app will still be available (and updated) in the Market just so that users have a way to install the dictionary data should our servers be temporarily unavailable.