How do I jump to a particular entry in a tagged list?
For example I'm going through the predefined 1,000 top spoken list in the Cantonese app.
Currently I have to scroll back to where I left off say for example i was looking at entry 312/1,000 last time.
Now I have to scroll back to position 312 and search around for it by tapping entries to go in and see the number the entry is in that list because numbers aren't displayed in the list.
Is there function that enables me to jump directly to an entry xyz in a tagged list?
Jump to an entry in a tagged list
Re: Jump to an entry in a tagged list
Hi and thank you for your message. Yes, a fair point. Any list beyond about a hundred items is not so useful when scrolling. You have the option of exporting to AnkiDroid or using as a homescreen widget where such 1000+ lists are much more useful. But I agree, remembering the scroll position in a list is something worth considering, so I'll add it to my TODO list.