Comments on: Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 2.5.8 released! /2011/06/hanping-chinese-dictionary-pro-2-5-8-released/ Chinese language-learning apps for Android! Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:27:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: embermitre /2011/06/hanping-chinese-dictionary-pro-2-5-8-released/#comment-565 Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:27:30 +0000 In reply to Phillip.

Hi – just type a bunch of Chinese characters. For example, “谢谢你” (pinyin: “xie xie ni”, english: “thank you”). Note – this only works if you type the Chinese characters (not if you type pinyin or english).

That phrase is not in the dictionary, and so in the results, the first item says “谢谢你 not in dictionary”. Click on that and you will be taken to the second screen where you can play the audio and star the phrase so that it goes in your Starred list.

In the search results, you will also see the breakdown of the phrase. i.e. the next item is “谢谢” and the following item is “你” which should help you to understand the phrase.

By: Phillip /2011/06/hanping-chinese-dictionary-pro-2-5-8-released/#comment-564 Wed, 08 Jun 2011 12:10:19 +0000 You mention phrases and words not in the dictionary. Can you provide an example?. I can’t find them…thanks
